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The Seekers Guide for a New Awakening 
contains three multimedia home study courses 
Creating Abundance - Love & Relationships - The Gateway to Enlightenment 
Essential Teachings for your Spiritual Enlightenment 
The Seekers Guide courses enhance the Sat Guru Sacred Mantra Practice 
A new awakening for a golden spiritual age is presented in this book with suggestions and explanations as to how this beautiful concept can be achieved. In addition the book contains three courses, with audio tutorials in Mp3 format. These provide the spiritual seeker essential teachings to accelerate the process of Awakening. 
Paperback book from Amazon 
The Seekers Guide for a New Awakening by Robert Bourne
What you receive with this three course set 
The Seekers Guide for a New Awakening Book 
This book is an explanation about Oneness 
Excellent You Book 
Creating Abundance Workshop Manual 
Meditation Audio Tutorial (1 CD) 
Excellent You Audio Tutorials (1 CD) 
CPD Continuous Professional Development proof of study letter 
Love and Relationship Book 
Love and Relationship Audio Tutorials (2 CD set) 
CPD Continuous Professional Development proof of study letter 
The Gateway to Enlightenment Book 
The Gateway to Enlightenment Audio Tutorials (3 CD set) 
CPD Continuous Professional Development proof of study letter 
Professionally Approved Personal Development Courses 
Each of the three courses have been approved and accredited by Embody the Complimentary Therapist Association as approved courses that qualify for continuous professional development (CPD). 
Creating Abundance Workshop
Love and Relationships Book
The Gateway to Enlightenment Book
Embody The Complimentary Therapist Association
This set of courses have been created to prepare the conditioned mind for the Awakening Process 
With these truths learnt the transformation of illusions enables the mind/soul evolution 
About the Three courses 
The Excellent You creating abundance home study course by Robert Bourne
The Excellent You and Creating Abundance 
The Excellent You has been designed to create a positive individual. A positive person can only say 'Yes'. It is this 'yes' that is required to leap into the Divine self. On the course you will learn the secret of how your mind becomes conditioned and how this conditioning is working through the law of attraction. This course also contains 'The Key' to clearing your blocks, the conditioning that prevents you from getting what you want, from being who you truly are. 
Learn how to Meditate and master the Alpha State of Mind 
Learn about the Emotional Freedom Tapping technique 
Change unwanted habits and unconscious conditioning 
Listen to the Excellent You Audio Excerpts 
Love and Relationships course by Robert Bourne
Love and Relationships 
The Love and Relationships course will enable you to develop a compassionate heart so that you flower into the experience of Unconditional Love. You will learn the secret to creating meaningful relationships with yourself and others. 
Discover how to maintain and keep a happy relationship 
This course has been used by marriage guidance counsellors 
Most importantly discover inner love within yourself 
Listen to Love and Relationships Audio Excerpts 
The Gateway to Enlightenment course by Robert Bourne
The Gateway to Enlightenment 
The Gateway to Enlightenment course will awaken divine wisdom, as it contains universal truths. You will discover the laws of creation as taught by the mystics of the past. You will discover how these ancient teachings now come together with the recent discoveries found in quantum physics. 
Discover the Spiritual Laws that govern our lives 
Awaken to Divine Wisdom though embracing Truth 
Learn what the Eastern Mystics taught in India 
Beginners to Advanced Meditation course of Enlightenment 
Listen to the Gateway to Enlightenment Audio Excerpts 
Robert Bourne
Robert Bourne 
"Reading the books together with listening to the sound of my voice on the audio tutorials will enable a divine inner shift of consciousness to occur within you. I wish you tremendous happiness in every area of your life. May the mystic law help you create the life of your dreams as you become a blessing to mankind." 
What Others Have to Say 
“As I read it I’m changing – it’s wonderful. I now want to use the ‘Love & Relationships’ material for the ‘Sufferers of Abuse’ support group that I run.  
The courses are now making everything come alive in my Reiki Master practice and what I have previously learnt in my assertive training. I have to say Thank You.” Maria Williams - Reiki Master Teacher UK 
The Seekers Guide three courses are free of charge 
The Awakening Process Free Multimedia Courses